Hello, people.
After some shenanigans and standing backflips, my “Maggie Estep Author” page seems to be up and running on Facebook, though still not very readily find-able (if you search for it without a link, you come across some other “Maggie Estep Author” page that someone (no idea who) created, a page that is devoid of images and advertises the fact that I was born in New Jersey.) You may also encounter what appears to be a legitimate Maggie Estep who is several years my junior and is endlessly exhibiting a pink bra strap. You are welcome to “like” her too, and I really would not hold it against you. But if you have urges to like me, here is the link: To like
And I AM on Twitter, but have not yet mustered wild enthusiasm for it simply because I am not really all that pithy. Reasonably intelligent, sometimes funny, but, PITHY, not so much. Though there is always hope. Right?