It always comes down to zombies.

Reading @ Gershwin Hotel w/ Richard Boch is on for Thursday 11/8/12 8pm, $10.

Fitting to be reading a piece involving zombies (albeit attractive, literate zombies) in light of savage storms, earthquakes, and general, apocalyptic-seeming chaos.

Speaking of which, I will NOT be reading 11/15/12 at Strand Bookstore, had to bail out of that one, too many conflicts.

As you were.

Another reading, Ken Foster, good-looking dogs.

So about this reading 11/8 @ Gershwin Hotel: reading starts 8pm and there IS a cover charge of $10.  Chances are pretty good that Richard and I will be entertaining enough to be worth $10.

That same night, my friend Ken Foster, great writer, pit bull advocate, and general Nice Man, is having a party for his new tome,  ”I’m A Good Dog”.  This sort of sucks because I’d really like to go to Ken’s book party, but it’s impossible.  All the same, we should all buy the book.  Here is a link.

Lastly, it seems I’m reading (briefly) at the Strand (12th&Bway, NYC) Thursday 11/15/12. Details forthcoming.

That is all.

Reading at Gershwin Hotel

Reading With Richard Boch @ Gershwin Hotel

I’ll be reading in NYC on Thursday 11/8/12 with my friend Richard Boch at the Gershwin Hotel, 7 E. 27th, NYC.

Back when I was a wee snot-nosed teen punk rocker, Richard was a doorman at the Mudd Club. My memory of those years is pretty much nonexistent, so I don’t know if I encountered Richard in the 80’s, but he’s a friend now, and he’s written a delicious memoir about his tenure there at the Mudd Club.

I’ll be reading from ZOMBIE HOOKERS OF HUDSON. This thing started out as an idea for a B movie, then turned into a short story, and is now becoming a novella. Which is to say, it has a life of its own –which is fitting for a story involving undead hookers.

Here is a picture of my dog, Mickey, in the cemetery that inspired ZOMBIE HOOKERS.